Monday, 24 November 2008

Autumn Bliss....

Amazing, it didn't rain, but boy was it cold. I'm sure you'd call it perfect digging weather, nice and cold but plenty of sunshine...Autumn Bliss indeed.

I set out on Saturday morning wrapped up and ready for action. I set to work on the first bed getting enough dug to be able to plant the Autumn Bliss raspberry canes, which I had soaked overnight. Having used some compost I put the canes in and they looked good and I also got an extra one free, so squeezed in 6 in the row. I still have a bit more digging to do there to finish it off.

However, having got the last of the raspberry canes in, I wanted to get as much of the plot cleared to be able to see the 4 'rotating beds', so set to work with the scythe and mattock and cleared 2 beds on the South side and then starting moving the bonfire pile onto the new bed ready for burning.

I also rolled up a lot of the carpet and piled that up in front of the compost bins, although there is another pile left to sort out, that you can see in one of the photo's. I think I shall use the carpet to cover the path down the middle, otherwise I shall have a few trips to the local recycle/rubbish centre to get rid of it.

Finally, I cut down a lot of the weeds and grass on the second bed on the North side of the plot. This leaves me that bed to clear with the mattock and then a final bed on the North side to clear. With luck I plan to do that this coming Thursday, as it's Thanksgiving, so I get a day off and we are busy this weekend, so not likely to get anything done. Let's hope it isn't pouring on Thursday morning.

Once I've got the beds sorted, I'm going to get each plot ready for double digging and then move from one to another as I dig, as I don't think I'll get it all done before the spring, but if I can get half of each bed done, then that should be enough to be able to grow lots of stuff next year.

Quick update this week as very, very busy.

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