Tuesday 2 June 2009

Dinner's on me!!!!

We were at my Mum and Dad's on Sunday and looking at Dad's potatoes, I managed to work out which were my First Earlies and as he had a few nice looking spuds and I put mine in a week or so before him, I decided to dig a few up for our Dinner on Monday night, on my way home from work.

....and low and behold from 3 plants, I filled my sandwich box up, we had enough for our meal and for me to have some for my salad today. So what with this and the salad leaves we've been getting, all I need now is the tomatoes, cucumber and some fruit and that's lunch every day!

Anyway, it sure was a treat digging up the potatoes and getting something, almost like digging for gold.

It's all coming along now, so I just need to keep on top of it and finish a few things off this weekend, like stain the shed, build the frame for the Sweet Peas and keep weeding, then we are looking good.

All in all, not too bad...and there is even a strawberry growing, only one but it's a start!

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